Monday, August 13, 2012

Rantings of a Fashion Addict: A Tiny Tea Obsession ? My purchases ...






Hey guys! I know a lot of you have been wondering where I have been, whether I had stopped blogging and so forth ? J and I have been married for three months now and have finally moved into our home! We are absolutely loving it but of course, because we have pretty much ?created? our home from just four bare walls, there is always something to do, always something to be working on ? and our weekends are pretty much always booked up! We are currently working on the soffits (we are doing them in wood ourselves instead of traditional aluminum so its a lot more work and takes up so much time because we do not have a lot of space to work with in between the houses). We are excited though and the home is really starting to come together ? I have been really into interior decorating ? from internet, to magazines to shows? and have been feeling really inspired in the home, lifestyle etc? I cant say that this blog will continue to always be fashion related because as priorities in life change, interests can change and so forth? I will always have an interest in fashion and will definitely continue to do outfit posts but I also want to start blogging more about daily life in general? what I am interested in at the moment, food, fashion, makeup etc? I am excited about my return to blogging and can honestly say ? that after this break, I have missed it quite a bit! We just ordered a new camera charger from eBay so ?. more blogging! haha?. we could not find it for the longest time, we didn't even have our canon at our wedding because the battery died and we could not find our charger after that ? no idea where it disappeared to! Anyways, onto the ?Tea? related post ? J and I have been slowly weaning off the coffee and moving towards tea ? loose leaf tea specifically and have been thoroughly enjoying it ? from the ritual, to the process of creating a beautiful cup to sitting down in our living room to drink and enjoy it. I have been reading about the many health benefits of drinking tea versus coffee and have been inspired to try and make a lifestyle change ? to be honest, I thought it would be a lot more difficult but after finding a wonderful array of teas at various places (DavidsTeas, Teaopia etc..), its been a pretty easy transition, and I enjoy it so much more! We still drink coffee on our Sunday mornings and here and there throughout the week? but other than that ? Tea has been our breakfast, afternoon and evening drink of choice. I have even made hibiscus iced tea (bought a huge bag from Teaopia for 75% off because they are closing down and re-opening as Teavana ? an American company that bought them out) .. good for blood pressure, cholesterol etc? not that I really have any issues with that BUT, I just really enjoy the bittersweet taste. I stocked up on a lot of loose leaf teas at Teaopia since they are clearing out most of their stock (including tea pots, cups etc? ) at 75% off which is absolutely crazy ? teas that normally cost between 15 to 20 bucks for a bag, are less than $5. I stocked up on a lot of black teas which are some of my favourites, including Dublin Cream (my absolute fave ? it has coffee beans in it of course so give a slight aroma which is probably why its one of my faves), Irish breakfast, Smores, and Lady Earl Grey. I also have a lot of various green teas (Caramel Apple being one of my faves), Oolong, Mate, and White tea?s. I prefer to make a beautiful cup of full bodied loose leaf tea over a tea bag ? although there are some quality ones out there like Mighty Tea Leaf and Tazo is pretty good as well. I purchased a double walled glass tumbler at David?s Tea?s and have been loving that ? in my fave colour ? Green! I didn't include it in the photos (forgot :s) but it really is a work of art! I also have a variety of tea infusers depending on how I will be brewing my tea and for how many people? I usually boil my tea using an electric kettle, a cheap one I bought for less than $10 and does the job? but on days like today, when I have a little more time? I don't know what it is, but I like boiling the water in a traditional pot, on the stove ? love the whistle noise that lets me know its just about ready! There are a lot of things I have learned about making a good cuppa tea so if any of you want me to share more information with you (steeping times, temperature etc..), or reviews on my favourites ? let me know!

I hope you guys have had a wonderful weekend!

I am off to finish my cuppa tea!



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